We offer production services for writers, actors, and anyone else interested in bringing their work to the stage.
And we hope our web-site will provide you with an understanding of what we offer, and why those services may be valuable to you.
Please feel free to contact us is you have additional questions.
Why to use our services:
We offer 4 package tiers. You may also select any individual service within a tier. Beyond Tier One (the Self-Production package) we require that you be an integral part of the process. We act as managers, schedulers, planners and advisors - creative decisions remain with you.
Tier One: Self-Production Package This is a complete how-to guide to producing a staged reading, with extensive supporting material. It includes a list of resources in the NYC area, but much of the information will apply to any location.
Tier Two: Staged Reading We will manage any or all aspects of the process of putting your work before an audience.
Tier Three: Full Production Same as Tier Two but geared to a full, costumed production. Includes these additional services: Contract negotiation, Theater space negotiation, ticketing services
Tier Four: Actors Showcase
A La Carte Services You may chose any of the listed services, without contracting for a package, or in conjunction with a package, if that service is not already included.
StageDotOrg charges a non-refundable reading fee of $20 for each work submitted. This fee can be applied
to the cost of any of the packages listed, should you so desire. Before submitting work, please read the
list of common reasons why we reject work - and think twice about submitting if your work falls into any
of these categories.
Common reasons we reject work:
Please further note -
the fact that you submit work in no way obligates us to produce it.
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